English translation for "thin soil"
- 薄层土
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | I can bloom even in thin soil 我能在贫瘠的土壤里开花。 | | 2. | They are characterized by high organic matter , under development , thin soil layer 土壤特点为发育年轻土层薄,具有10 | | 3. | Researching and summarizing an effective set of methods of field works and interpretation according to the southern area of china which has dip topography , thin soil and complicated geological circumstance 并就中国南方地区地形切割强烈、浮土较薄、地质情况复杂等客观实际,研究总结了一套行之有效的野外工作和解释方法。 | | 4. | Beven 18 suggested that when it is applied in its original form to a river basin with thin soils over an imperme - able base , the quasi - steady state approximation holds . however , he also noted that for a variety of alternative transmissivity profiles , or when the saturated depth of the aquifer is large , the deviation in the actual shape of the water table from a steady - state shape can be both large enough and last long enough to call into question the assumption of quasi - steady dynamics Beven 18也也指出这种“拟稳定”的地下径流机制虽然能够较好地应用于那些不透水层之上的土壤厚度比较薄的流域,但对于那些非饱和土壤层的厚度随空间的变化较大也就是地下水位的变化比较大,或者潜水面的厚度较大的流域,使用这种“拟线性”的topmodel地下径流机制就容易产生问题 |
- Similar Words:
- "thin small outlinepackange(tsopop" English translation, "thin small-outline package" English translation, "thin smalloutline packagee" English translation, "thin smear film" English translation, "thin snow grass" English translation, "thin soil; poor soil" English translation, "thin soup" English translation, "thin source" English translation, "thin soy sauce" English translation, "thin space" English translation